Monday, September 20, 2010

My First Salary

i got my first salary from upload entry @ UPT perpustakaan UNS.
Even, it isn't much, but that experience is very precious to me.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Boost Ur Confident ( Tingkatkan Rasa Percaya Dirimu )

Actually, confident is important, especially when we interact with others in social life. Its ok if we are belong to 'flexible person'. But the problem is, if we are include in people who have less confident, what should we do?

This is a few things you can do to boost ur confident:

  1. Positive thinking

Positive thinking can boost our confident. Be sure that nobody is perfect, believe your ability. Everyone is special, especially our self.

  1. Learn to gratefull

Learn to be gratefull on every grace and gift that given God to us. If we always compare our self to other, it will decrease our confident. So, believe that God always give the best for us.

Thats a little thing to boost ur confident. Enjoy it.


Ternyata percaya diri itu penting. Seseorang yang percaya diri dapat dengan mudah berinteraksi dengan orang di sekitarnya dibanding dengan yang punya sedikit rasa percaya diri. Ya iyalah, secara ya dia pasti tidak minder kalau bertemu orang baru, pokoknya supel deh.

Kalau kita termasuk orang yang supel sih tidak masalah. But the problem is, if we are include in people who have less confident, what should we do?

Nah, ini ada cara praktis untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya diri:

  1. Berpikir positif (positive thinking)

Berpikir positif dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri kita. Be sure that nobody is perfect, believe your ability. Setiap orang itu spesial, termasuk diri kita.

  1. Belajar bersyukur

Belajarlah mensyukuri segala nikmat dan anugerah yang diberikan Tuhan kepada kita. Bila kita terus membanding - bandingkan diri kita dengan orang lain yang lebih baik, hal ini justru bisa menurunkan rasa percaya diri kita. Jadi, yakinlah bahwa Tuhan selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk kita.

Demikianlah, semoga bermanfaat.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bambu Nada Part 3

Bambu nada had perform in front of bachelor of politic and social faculty UNS 2010.The performance worked well even there are still have miss tone. but its allright because of suddenly practice.

Even during practice we got so many problem, started from the angklung, member, until miss understood between the old member and the young member, but it equal with the result.

I still proud of this group and i don't want it over. I hope next chance, i can perform again.

Holiday Travel ( mudik lebaran ) (the unique of Indonesia)

This is one of the unique in Indonesia. Only Indonesian who did it. Indonesian usually have holiday travel or we can say 'mudik' before Ied day.

Holiday travel (mudik) is an activity of foreigner / migrants to return to his hometown. it is an annual tradition that occurs near major religious holidays such as ied day. This moments is a good time to gather to ur families. this tradition can be found only in Indonesia.

Happy ied mubarak 1431 H. Taqaballahu minna wa minkum, taqabbal ya karim. Hope tomorrow better than before, and our wish come true in this year..

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Scholarship from University of Westminster 2010 2011

University of Westminster, London - United Kingdom through the Westminster International Scholarship opens opportunities to obtain scholarships (Full-time Masters Degree) at the University of Westminster in 2011.

There are some things to get attention, namely:
Requirements to be met in addition to academic excellence and reference letter, the University also requires applicants for this scholarship to write the statement to reinforce the submissions support the application and test arguments about :
1. owned development potentials to strengthen the respective outstanding applicant and can fulfill the requested criteria;
2. what is expected is obtained from these scholarship opportunities;
3. after graduating from the scholarship program, can explain how the knowledge and experience received will be used for future;
4. Short-term plans and long term in question.

Scholarship application deadline is 1 November 2010
To obtain further information, send email to this address:
