Monday, January 16, 2012

Memoirs of Part time

Why i use that title to my post? yaah, terserah gue dong, suka-suka gue pake judul apa, ini kan blog gue (#sensi, -___-"). Ups sorry, jangan marah yaa, ntar takkasi permen deh biar gak ngambek :)  Thats bcoz aku lagi bete sendirian trus buka-buka foto-foto jadul saat tahun 2011. Tlah banyak cerita dan kenangan yang kita lalui bersama (lebay.. ^ v ^) Oke deh, gak perlu panjang lebar, i'll show you a little secret photo from all of them, mostly with weird style.hehe. Ups, sorry. hehe.

Well, i'll tell you why i called this a little secret photos. Because it took accidentally without their permission, hahag, and others because i see that photos are funny enough. hehe.
Ok, this is the personnel of part time '09. Lets check it out :)

Anintya_What are u doing, sist? :v

Anita_whattaya do with ur mouth? :v

Budi_Running Competition, right? :v

Ferry 'n Heri_ So sweet, isnt it?? :v

Fitri_Shocking whatt? :v

Tika_Washing ur cloths in there? :v

Me & Jeje_ How creepes our face, arent we? :v

Firman & Yanuri_ I'm speechless to give comment, :v

wikan_tiger style :v

Wuri_holding her smile or what :v

Yuliana & Me_what style did u use yul? :v

Wati & Nia_lack of drinks or what? :v
Next time i'll show you, what kind of person they are.. :D
Hope i cud post it after this, haha


  1. maksudnya apa itu tan, photoku kok kayak gitu? :( hemmmbb...
    kok aku ra kelingan yoh, phone kui kapan?hhihihi

    Nice share :)

    1. maksudnya...ini weird style photo, :P, waktu stuban itu, remember??

    2. owh, saya masih belom ingat :P

      Biar feelnya dapet ditambah video tan.. :D

    3. iya. deh, next postingan tak kasi vid nyaa..
      tak kasi linkmu juga..
      puas? heheh..
      #gara2 diingetin trus :P

  2. apaan ini??..kok ftoku elek dewe to?..haha..

    1. ahahay, kan ini temanya weird style fer :p,
      ntar deh, postingan brikutnya tak kasi liat yg lebih cool :D
